Oberon, ProjectZ Gallery

Project Z Gallery held a sim-wide sky exhibition of Oberon Onmura, based on Tunguska event. That's already done. Now, the Artist is preparing the second exhibition for the same gallery.
ツングースカ大爆発(↑写真 Wikipedia photo)を題材に、Oberon OnmuraとプロジェクトZギャリリーが、Cetus sim 高空で、256m四方の展覧会を行いました。事後報告ですみませんでしたが、既に同アーティストが2作目も制作中につき、追ってご案内します。

For this exhibition at first, they had a original music based on Tunguska event, and then the pianist/gallerist asked Oberon the Artist to make an exhibition work.
There, the vertical poles continued to fall, even while the pianist was performing in front of visitors.

For both of the opening & the closing, he played the piano as if he the gallerist was introducing of what was Oberon's work.
The gallery owner Zachh Cale is a professional pianist earning to let his gallery Artists use prims at the sim Cetus.
オーナー Zachh Cale は、アウトワールドの演奏活動で稼いで、プリム使用権をCetusシムのから買い取り、招いたアーティストたちに使わせています。

The Cetus Gallery district seems having restructured, that had been well-known as the tourist attraction. But now, is a show space for an architect DB Bailey who got the whole Cetus. And then Zachh rents DB's prims, to run his gallery.
SL画廊街も、再編があったようで。長く観光名所として親しまれてきたCetus画廊街のシムを、建築家 DB Bailey が借り切って、建築のショースペースに変えています。さらにDBからZachhがプリム使用権を借りて、ギャラリーを運営しているスタイルです。
This Zachh is a rare person who does something else. In all innocence of the rental, he took over the Rental Museum LAGNA. Of course, his Lagna never rents out any more.
After this, I hope he will exhibit his own Artists in his discerning eye.
After this, I hope he will exhibit his own Artists in his discerning eye.
Posted by comet/コメット at 23:08│Comments(0)