

美術史以降の芸術 Art since Art History

Art?美術史6月8日 火曜10-11PM JST 於キラカフェ (日本語講演)
Art Talk at Kira institute SL Japan, on Jun.8th.(in Japanese)

Why you know Art existence.
Art since Art History

美術史以降の芸術 Art since Art History
 How is it you can point yourself as "me" ?
 How did you know existence of a nation?
 Bijutsu & Ahto, the tanslation & transliteration of Art.

How is it Mankind, Japanese, and a person recognized the existence of Art?
When/How did you learn the word "Art" ?

「芸術とは何だろうか」前回までの要旨は、こちら。・第1回 ・第2回

image: TAKAHASHI Yuichi "Beauty(Courtesan)" 1872, oil on canvas, The University Art Museum
画像:高橋由一 美人(花魁) 芸大美術館蔵

Posted by comet/コメット at 19:14│Comments(1)
この記事へのコメント comment to this article
what history/environment/parenting has let you learn to call yourself as "I" or "me" ? Why can you call yourself as the first person in grammar?

Your nation seems to send one of its officers to your door at midnight.
I first-felt the existence when I first-flew from an international airport.

美术 was from 美術 the official translation in 1873.
Posted by comet/コメットcomet/コメット at 2010年06月13日 05:37