Naiman, H4D & Connie


2009年12月19日 23:19

Bellow, I borrow 2 shots from Connie's flickr, who's in a recent KoinUp interview(Dec.13). Here, I'd rather to introduce Naiman's Caribbean Resort the original to his friend's later sim "MG Lounge".
日本語圏で少し話題の"MG Lounge"シムですが、そのオリジナルの紹介が本題です。

The background is the sim Havre de paix Naiman custom-built which the other sim "MG Lounge" is based on.
Naimanが特注を受けて作ったリゾートシム Havre de paix です。MG Lounge で使われているオブジェクトも、その使い方も、Naimanに沿っています。
The tropical houses too, by Naiman. 例のトロピカルハウスも、Naiman。

it seems She took the shots, originally as fashon photos, that are with captions, information of objects in each photo.
And then, about the gold swimwear;

