

2008年07月28日 11:26


Welcome to the Art and Culture Festival at the Island on the Edge on 2nd of August 2008 from 5am to 3 pm Linden Time.
日本時間 8月2日土曜夜9時〜日曜朝7時
You will see art of the following artists:

Juanita Deharo, Kolor Fall, Neupaul Palen, Koshari Mahana, Ginny Joy, Sylver Piccard, Zero Ball, Elko Schufang, comet Morigi, Oberon Onmura, Flower Exonar, Molina Rhode, Sonia Stardust, Finny Yates, Scottius Polke, Arys Palen, CJoke, Elros Tuominen and Debbie Trilling

There is a huge schedule of events starting from 5 am/the number shows the place of the event:

2pm/5am: Peace Meditation with a Zen Lay Monk for the People in Burma, Sri Lanka and Tibet and generally against war (1)

3pm/6am: Asmita Duranjaya: Sound and Visual Art - a Workshop (3)

4pm/7am: Zero Ball: The Meta Art of Zero Ball - A Practical Introduction (3)

5pm/8am: Dance Session in the Gallery with Hip Hop, Salsa, Maloya, Sega u.a. (3)

6pm/9am: Concert: MoShang Live: Electro HipHop from Taiwan (2)

7pm/10am: Kolor Theory - a Participant Installation by Kolor Fall (2)

8pm/11am: Dance Session in the Space Cave Disco with Space Music (2)

9pm/12am: Reading/Storytelling - Voices from the Edge(2)

10pm/1pm: Neupaul Palen: Neupappismo: The Dark Side of Second Life (3)

11pm/2pm: Scottius Polke: The Art of Discarded Objects-Works of Assemblage (3)

midnight/3pm: Particle Fireworks in the gallery and on the island with Debbie Trilling and her movie "Mars" (3)

I hope to see you here and you bring your friends as well!
Kind Regards
Asmita Duranjaya

